Author Archives: Tsugawa.TV

Photoshop now natively supports Apple Silicon Macs

M1 native version of Photoshop

Apple Silicon-optimized version of Photoshop ships with significant speed improvements After three months of testing in beta, Adobe Photoshop has just gotten its final update, v22.3, to bring native support for Macs with M1 chips, delivering 50% faster performance than running on the Intel chips. Adobe’s internal tests covered the app’s basic and staple features — such as opening and saving files, running filters, and compute-heavy operations like Content-Aware Fill and Select Subject. With the March 2021 update, they are “all feel noticeably faster” on the new chip versus the Intel version, Adobe describes in a blog. Though the benefits of this transition are big, just keep in mind that … Continue reading

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Apple unveils its plans to use its own ARM-powered silicon in Macs

Apple Silicon architecture

Apple switching from Intel to its own custom chips for Macs over a two-year transition period At WWDC 2020, Apple has announced it will transition its Mac computers to its own custom-designed chips, moving away from Intel chips, and every Mac across its desktop and laptop product lines, including Mac Pro, is running on “Apple silicon” over the next two years. The company plans to ship its first Mac with Apple silicon, perhaps MacBooks or iMac, by the end of 2020. Macs with Apple Silicon will run on the same A-series processors which have been used in iPhones and iPads for more than 10 years, bringing the ability for macOS … Continue reading

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Android 11 is official in beta, comes with a focus on people, controls and privacy

Android 11 Features

Google has finally dropped the first Android 11 Beta release for Pixel phones (Pixel 2 or newer) without the live event, Google I/O 2020, which was canceled due to the coronavirus pandemic. Android 11 Beta brings several new features including improved notifications, better control over the other devices and new privacy controls. This Beta version gives the users the Final APIs, meaning to start final compatibility testing for apps, SDKs, and libraries. Android 11 Beta Release highlights: Notifications, adding the new “Conversations” section at the top of the notification shade along with priority settings and reminder, make it easier for users to find important contacts, with a people-forward design in … Continue reading

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