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With iOS 12, ARKit includes a built-in viewer for displaying and sharing high-quality 3D content using Pixar’s usdz file format. Adobe is bringing native USDZ support to Creative Cloud. In iOS 12, Apple wants to make an easy way to experience AR across the system. With ARKit 2 on iOS 12, AR apps can be experienced by multiple users simultaneously and resumed at a later time in the same state. Apple has already created a new file format for AR in collaboration with Pixar. This format called USDZ is very compact, single file format optimized for sharing while retaining 3D graphics and animations. Developers can use USDZ across the system … Continue reading
The mixed reality team at Mozilla just released “Firefox Reality” designed for browsing the open web in Virtual Reality. Now available in the Viveport, Oculus, and Daydream app stores. Firefox Reality brings to the 3D web and immersive content experiences the level of ease of use, choice, control and privacy they’ve come to expect from Firefox and it works on stand-alone virtual and augmented reality (or mixed reality) headsets. “We have collaborated with content creators from around the globe to provide easy access to amazing VR experiences that can be enjoyed directly from Firefox Reality. Simply open a link and enjoy.” Firefox Reality (v1.0) which has the ability to search … Continue reading
Bootstrapフレームワークベースのポートフォリオ・テンプレートを作ってみましたので、興味のある方はぜひご活用ください(ライブ・プレビュー)。 <BootstrapTV v1.0 特徴> レスポンシブWebデザイン(Bootstrap v3 ベース) “Lightbox” フォト・ギャラリー(グリッド・レイアウト) ワンページタイプのシンプルデザイン PHPコンタクト・フォーム 画像を置き換えるだけのシンプルなワークフロー クロスブラウザ・マルチデバイス対応 Google Fonts “Back to Top” モーション フレキシブルなモーダル・ウィンドウ 無料 – BootstrapTV v1.0.1 アップデート – 一部CDNのURLをアップデート CDNのリンク切れにより”respond-proxy.min.html”が必要になり追加 なお、リンク先ウェブページのソースコードをコピペしてもうまく動作しません。ご連絡頂ければ無料で必要なデータをお送りします(個人・商用利用共に可 / MITライセンス)。 Introducing BootstrapTV (v1.0) theme for Art Gallery based on the Twitter Bootstrap CSS & JavaScript. Designed for simple portfolio (Live Preview). – BootstrapTV v1.0 Features – Responsive, Mobile Friendly and Simple Design – Based on the Bootstrap v3 “Lightbox” Photo Gallery – Easy Setup with Grid Layout “One Page” Simple Web Design – Built with HTML5 & CSS3 PHP Contact Form Included “Just Replace IMG” with your own & It’s Done! – Simplify creative workflow Cross Browser Compatibility … Continue reading